Thursday, December 10, 2009


tiba2 terasa nak update entry pasal pistachio ni..sebab la ni ngah lunch g lengkuas (kul 1 ptg td la, time break), konnnya nak mkn nasi berlauk nye ak nengok nasi sudah lain mcm berbau (bau nak basi or bau nasi semalam yg dipanaskan) dan juga sudah mempunyai tekstur yg melekit2..jd x sanggup nak mkn..tobat la ak nak g lg kedai ni..even makcik tu kata nasi br masak, tp hati ku, x mkn la..tgk je irda n hana mkn..

oppss..berbalik kepada citer pistachio nih, ak mmg suka dr dulu malangnya nuts ni sgt la mahal..x bole nak mkn selalu la..mau bankrupt ak di sebab teringin nak mkn, daku belila 3 peket..dah la sepeket $7.90...isi pon x byk..haha..teringin nak mkn punya pasal..ngadap sorg je mkn..mkn kat opis 1 peket je la..yg lain bw balik umah la..x kan nak ngadap sume sekali sesorg..

rasanya yg lemak2 ni wat ak addict la..xtau nak describe ak mmg suke..

ni pokok dia (hai bila la dpt tgk the real 1..teringin gak nak bole hidup ke?)

ni la pistachio nuts..wah..sgt sedap..xtau la ni dah masak lom (cm ne nak tau dah masak ek)

byknya pistachio..yummy..yummmy..

ni lak, rupa yg ak selalu jumpa..haha..dah dlm perut dah..sedap sgt..Alhamdulillah..

emmm...lazatnya.. lak info2 pasal pistachio, kebaikkan n khasiatnya..malas lak nak translate..baca sendiri la ye..

(article amik dr sumber:Nutrition Today, January/February 2008, Volume 43, Number 1)

A healthy diet low in fat can include higher-fat foods as long as the overall diet and lifestyle remain healthy. Evidence to date reveals the taste acceptability of a diet depend on a satisfying dietary pattern that fits with a healthy lifestyle. When we include a variety of healthy and tasty foods, being on a strict diet is not so bad.

Portion control of even healthy foods is always important. A person can become overweight or obese eating healthy foods in excess.

Why is the pistachio nut unique as compared to other nuts?

• It provides a significant amount of the bioactive carotenoid, lutein that is also found in dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli (good for your eyes)

• Unique among tree nuts in having lutein and anthocyanins in their peels, giving them their characteristic green and purple 2-tone appearance

• Among tree nuts, pistachios are the richest source of phytosterols, particularly beta-sitosterol and campesterol (good for lowering cholesterol levels and reducing risk of heart disease)

There is 0.36 mg of lutein in a 1 oz. serving of pistachios, which is equivalent to the amount of lutein found in a half-cup serving of broccoli.

Phytosterols are plant sterols that compete with cholesterol in the intestinal lumen for uptake into the bloodstream. Phytoserols may help reduce cholesterol levels as well as help to promote a healthy heart. There is evidence which states a diet that incorporates tree nuts, such as pistachios, is associated with reduced risk of heart disease.

Nuts are generally regarded as "fattening." However, studies have shown that daily consumption of 2 oz of nuts among free-living individuals does not lead to significant weight gain during a period of 6 months. More research is needed on long-term consumption; however, the data so far suggests that the pistachio can be consumed as part of a healthy weight maintenance diet.

Nutrition in pistachio nuts:

• Rich in nutrient content
• Provides 310 mg of potassium
• 3 g of dietary fiber
• 20% of the daily value for vitamin B6, copper and manganese

Foods are considered nutritious if 4 nutrients have INQs of 1 or more or if 2 nutrients have INQs of 2 or more.

Pistachios have INQs of 2 or more for:

• Thiamin
• Vitamin B6
• Copper
• Manganese

Pistachios have INQs from 1 to 1.7 for:

• Potassium
• Dietary fiber
• Phosphorus
• Magnesium

Do you have a problem getting enough fiber into your diet?

Try taking in more pistachios. The pistachio is one of the nuts with the highest fiber. Americans should be eating 14 g of fiber per 1,000 calories. Eating more pistachios can help you meet this fiber goal. One ounce of pistachio nuts provides 3 g of dietary fiber, or approximately 12% of the daily value. Pistachio nuts have twice the fiber in an ounce than walnuts and about the same amount as in a serving of oatmeal.

ally: next update pasal brokoli..juga kegemaranku..


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